Privacy Policy

For Visitors applies to anyone visiting the website

  1. Management
    1. he website is under the control of Luminicity B.V. The contact details can be found on the above website.
  2. Visitor Information
    1. Some data resulting from one or more visits to are permanently stored, but anonymous. The data will never be redirected to a person or organization. Luminicity B.V. Ensures proper protection of the stored data.
  1. Cookies

Luminicity B.V. Uses cookies to optimize the functionality of certain pages of the website. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the visitor’s computer by a page of the website. In such a cookie, information is stored as certain visitor preferences. As a result, Luminicity B.V. The visitor will be even better at a subsequent visit, for example, by the projects that the visitor has checked and kept. Therefore, you do not have to repeat the same information every time. This makes the site much more user-friendly.

  1. The visitor can decide how to handle cookies. He or she can set his browser so that it does not permit, allow or partially allow the use of functional cookies. In this case, it is possible to set which websites can set functional cookies. For all other websites it will be prohibited. This option is provided by the most common modern browsers.
  2. Cookies can always be removed from a computer, also through the browser.
  3. Luminicity B.V also uses marketing cookies to make Luminicity’s communication more personal on its own site and on its partner sites, and better tailored to the needs of the individual customer.
  4. Luminicity B.V. Uses of Analytics cookies that will not handle individuals’ browsing behavior but large numbers of visitors – anonymized – into charts and patterns that help us improve and optimize our websites.
  1. Questions
    1. Bezoekers kunnen met hun vragen over deze Privacy Policy terecht bij Luminicity B.V. De contactgegevens staan vermeld op de website die genoemd wordt in lid 1 van deze Privacy Policy.
  1. Disclaimer
    1. Luminicity B.V. Is entitled to change the content of the Privacy Policy without notifying the visitor. The implementation of the change on the website is sufficient.

The Customer Privacy Policy complements the Privacy Policy for Visitors and applies to anyone who places an order at Luminicity B.V.

  1. Data provided by the customer
    1. Luminicity B.V. Can the information provided by the customer use for the following purposes:
      1. Processing the order.
      2. Sending one or more mails related to the ordered, such as, but not limited to, an e-mail containing login data.
  • It (incidentally) highlighting a product, tip, handiness, etc., of which Luminicity B.V. Thinks it can contribute to a more successful website for the customer.
  1. Provide data to third parties
    1. Data provided by the customer to Luminicity B.V. Have been provided will never be passed on to third parties. However, there is an exception to this rule, when a court order has been issued to provide data.
  1. Security
    1. The information given by the customer to Luminicity B.V. Provided are stored in a secure environment.
  1. Customization of customer data
    1. The customer has at all times the opportunity to change the information provided. Luminicity B.V. In such a case, the customer may request the change to a Luminicity B.V. Prescribed manner and in some cases identification may be required.